Saturday, November 20, 2010

Excuse me but how cold is it really?

It's a brutally cold here in Alberta and it sucks. For heaven's sake it's only November! If we have to go through five more months of -20s and snow storms I'm going to go bonkers. My plan was to keep running outdoors until it dropped to these very temperatures. Now that we're there it just plain sucks!! Heck, even for the -10s I'm not prepared, I thought I had more time!! I need grips for my shoes, a balaclava, a winter jacket, better hat....sigh. Guess I'm relegated to the gym now.

So what else has been happening? Not much. Lots of work, some working out, hanging with friends, and ongoing disappointment with eHarmony. Yea, I joined an online dating site and it isn't going all that well. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but so far only one man has initiated any contact. And before you say anything I sent emails to more than a few men with no replies. Is it my profile? Is it my pictures? I don't know but I'm thinking it's money ill spent. At least I tried something new!

Anyway, the one man who emailed me seems interesting enough but he uses poor grammar and you have no idea how that drives me nuts. Yes, I know we all make mistakes (I likely made a few here) but this is just bad. I should never compare my quirks to others but you'd think he'd spell check before sending a note. Maybe it's just me.

Here's the shallow side of me coming out...what will win this guy bonus points is that he's English, a lawyer and has a dog. If I had a check list, which I don't, I'm sure those items would be on it!! Sucky part is he lives three hours away but given where I live I don't have much of a choice do I? I'm interested anyway, which says a lot because I'm often not (defense mechanism).

Part of me still fancies a certain palaeontologist though...

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